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Day 44: Sheggz and Bella break up! – BBNaija

05 September 2022
"I'm having a conversation, she's barking!" - Sheggz. Things get to a head in the Shella ship and Bella and Sheggz might not be able to sail back from it.
Shella break up

After several days of Sheggz complaining about Bella's attitude, he finally throws in the towel. In another meeting where Doyin was the mediator, Sheggz blurted out, "I'm done! Bella doesn't listen, I have been saying the same thing for weeks but nothing is changing!" Doyin has come accustomed to playing therapist for Bella and Sheggz since today is the second time that she sat in on a heated argument between the shippers.

Sheggz's first complaint to Doyin about Bella

The bone of contention started during the Saturday Night Party when both Sheggz and Bella argued about how Bella was dancing. This brought up unresolved issues between the pair who took their argument outside of the Party Room. Shella once had a spat that stemmed after one of Biggie's Saturday Night Parties where Bella irritably told Sheggz that he too was free to dance and flirt with anyone girl in the House.

Shella's first Saturday Night Party spat

Sheggzy told Doyin that he has been trying to resolve their difference with Bella but his complaints have been falling on deaf ears. "I'm focused on winning the money and I am not about to do anything that will jeopardise that," said Sheggz to Doyin after Bella stepped out of the room "I am a nice guy and she's a nice girl but if it's not working, it's not working." After Bella walked back into the room with a broom to sweep, Sheggz continued, "Even if you beg me, I will not get back with her. This girl is psycho!" Doyin cautioned "Don't say that Sheggz."

Sheggz complains about Bella's selfishness

"Everything Bella this Bella that, why can't you just leave me alone?" A livid Bella asked "This guy he forgets to take his bath and I constantly have to remind him because I don't want big brother to see it. but when it comes to my own, everyone must hear it."

"I can't speak to her because she turns everything I say around and she is super defensive," said Sheggz to Doyin. "I get what you are saying, I really do, but she is bound to be super defensive," said Doyin, "I think she would have gotten your point if your mode of delivery was a bit better." Sheggz replied, "I can't speak to her, even now, I am making points and she's talking about things that are not even relevant. She's so far from the point I am trying to deliver."

"I was dancing with Chichi and Deji got behind her and they were rocking me, they didn't even touch me but this guy blew up!" said Bella, "how can I be dancing with Chichi and you become angry? Please I'm tired, let me rest. I can't even make a move, I can't dance because I have a boyfriend."

"I'm having a conversation and she's barking," said Sheggz to Doyin. "I'm not from the hood, I talk normally, why are you behaving like a dog?" Sheggz asked Bella. "Your behaviour is bad, you are badly behaved." Sheggz said to Bella, "If you ask anyone in the House yeah, they will all tell you, all of them, that she is badly behaved," he said to Doyin. "If I am badly behaved, then leave me!" said Bella "who is begging you, please leave!" 

Bella is fed up with Sheggz

Will this ship sink or will they make up?

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