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Mercy And Ike

151Reality16 L

Mans from London – Mercy and Ike

25 May 2020
Will Mercy let go of her 'friendship' with Willie?
Screenshot 2020 05 26 at 15

You saw it all before; the snaps on laps and popping expensive liquor in London skyscrapers, but it was context that was missing then. The TL threw all sorts of assumptions when the photos first came out and some even went as far as concluding that Mercy had left Ike for a richer throb. Touché!

While ya’ll kept loving on the pepper dem duo, you still had questions regarding the London trip and if any of the tweet bits were even an inch close to the truth. Well, the cover was blown off the container when Ike had a conversation with Promise, questioning the innocence of Mercy’s friendship with ‘Mr London’. According to big sis, Mercy was doing exactly what the masses expected of her, dashing highlights. The conversation widened a bit more when Mercy expressed her disapproval of the TL’s constant prying and mentioned that she has a right to have friends despite being in a relationship. Basically, if anyone felt they owned her, then they should consult Mr Eke about her bride price.

We all thought all had been said about the issue but during episode 5, the couple had yet another conversation regarding the ‘platonic’ friendship. While Mercy maintained her stance about things having been blown out of proportion on social media, Ike saw red and demanded that Mercy unfollow mans on the spot and permanently draw the curtains on the matters. That obviously didn’t happen, and Ike was not too happy about her hesitation.

It lowkey sounded like Ike had consented to Mercy flying out in favour of securing the bag, and even went as far as reminding her that there was a difference between “getting money and falling in love”. Even the masses on Twitter believed that Ike only had an eye on the bank credits and was prepared to have Mercy out there for his benefit.

Between the “Pay me off and I’ll let you go” talk to Mercy putting it out there that she’s got her own and she’d never trade Ike for money, a whole lot more drama is expected to ooze out; especially as far as Mercy’s friends are concerned. So it would be in your best interest to stay tuned and follow the convo using the tag #AMMercyandIke.  

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