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Day 35: Week 5 in the Big Brother House – BBNaija

27 August 2022
From a merger of both Levels to fake Nominations and squabbles as well as make-ups in between, the 5th week in the Big Brother House was simply extraordinary.
Week 5

Sunday, last week, saw Housemates Kess and Pharmsavi leave the Big Brother House. Soon after the Sunday Live Eviction Show ended, Big Brother pulled a major twist on the Housemates. Both Levels were merged, and not only that, the Housemates were treated to a party to mark the occasion. Living in a merged House, however, hasn't been without its ups and downs and as usual, we got a front-row seat to all the emotions the Housemates felt.

Chichi and Diana argued

Right off the bat, Chichi and Diana got into a heated war of words over closet space. On Sunday when the Level 1 Housemates were unpacking after being merged, Diana placed some of her belongings in Deji's closet. Chichi, who has been getting closer to Deji during the days leading up to the merge, didn't take too kindly to what Diana had done and a screaming match ensued.

The argument was so tense that Big Brother addressed it on Monday evening and gave Chich a serious warning coupled with a punishment. Chichi was to fill a notebook with the sentence: "I will not destroy the property of my fellow Housemates again." 

Chomzy becomes the first female Head of House

During the Head of House games, Housemates were divided into males and females. They were to transport dankuas from one side of the Arena to the next using their mouths. All the male Housemates were disqualified from proceeding to the next round because they carried more than one dankua at a time. Bella and Chomzy were the only ones who proceeded to the final round, where they were to match the colour combination of candy balls that they were shown by the Ninjas.

After an intense final round, Bella was the first to finish but got the wrong colour combination of candies. Chomzy who got the correct colour combination was crowned Head of House, making her the first female to become HoH this season.

Fake Nominations

After the HoH games, the BBNaija Housemates were called into the Diary Room, one by one for their Nomination Sessions. Each Housemate was asked to Nominate two of their fellow Housemates for possible Eviction this Sunday. When the Nominations were over, Chichi was in the lead with eight Nominations. Adekunle received seven Nominations and Doyin five, while Sheggz and Hermes were Nominated four times respectively. Big Brother decided to put everyone up for Nominations as a punishment for their lack of urgency when summoned. What Biggie didn't mention to the Housemates though was that Nominations were not real and that none of the Housemates would be Evicted this Sunday.

Ships sailed while some docked

Phyna who had been pining away over Groovy since he was moved from Level 2 to Level 1, was over the moon when she saw him walk through the garden doors on Sunday night during the merger party that Biggie threw the Housemates. The pair reconnected immediately and their ship hasn't come to dock ever since.

Amaka and Giddyfia took everyone in the House by surprise when they cemented their ship after the Merger party. The pair were almost exclusively together during the party and after the party. Amaka was heard declaring the bed next to her's Giddyfia's bed. Since Diana was once attached to Giddyfia, Amaka had a private conversation with her to find out where she stood with him. Diana gave Amaka the green light to be with Giddyfia if she wanted him.

After giving it a couple of days with Giddyfia, Amaka decided to put Giddyfia in the friend zone. She told Giddyfia that ship seems to be hurting Diana. Amaka continued to say that if it came down to a choice between her friendship with Diana and her feeling for Giddyfia, she chooses friendship.

Rumour had it

Groovy and Phyna's ship was at the centre of a rumour that had no clear origin. The crux of the rumour was that GrooPhy had taken their ship to newer seas by being intimate in the House. This gist came up in a conversation that Chomzy had with Groovy, which was something that he didn't take too kindly. Groovy asked Chomzy to get to the bottom of it so that its source can be established.

Chichi, Bella and Amaka who were all involved in spreading the rumour all pointed at one another as the source of the gist when Chomzy tried to investigate. The matter remained unresolved and put the ladies against each other, as they all felt as though they were being provoked by the other over the claims of starting the rumour.

Food wars

On the fourth day since the merger, the impact of having 21 Housemates in one House was starting to show in the Housemates' food supplies. The dwindling supply of food prompted the former Level 2 Housemates to remain vigilant over the rations of food that remained. 

Tensions rose between Chizzy and Sheggz when the latter decided to make some chicken for Bella. Chizzy categorically stated that Sheggz would not be making any chicken for anyone, something that sparked an argument between the two as Sheggz pointed out that the food belonged to Biggie and not Chizzy.

Biggie addressed former Level 1 Housemate's attitude over the food supplies that came about due to Level 2's Wager win in weeks passed. Big Brother gave the former Level 1 Housemates advice to become humble because it was the prerogative of former Level 2 Housemates whether they wanted to share their food or not.

With so much drama having played out in the first week of the merger, do you think that the Level Up Housemates will cope with the number of Housemates in the House since there are no Evictions this week?

Big Brother Naija Season 7 Level Up is now live on the 24-hour channels 198 on DStv and 29 on GOtv. Fans across Africa and the UK can sign up on the streaming service Showmax. You don't have to miss anything if you are on the go, just stream via the MyDStv or MyGOtv apps. Stay plugged into Biggie's world on our website and be part of the #BBNaija gist on Twitter, InstagramFacebook, and TikTok. Season 7 of Big Brother Naija is sponsored by headline sponsor Pocket app and associate sponsor Flutterwave