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Nalweyiso: The mother from hell

26 June 2023
Sanyu’s dream of studying fashion is on hold thanks to her stepmother.
Nalweyiso article cover

What Nalweyiso has done to the poor girl cannot be undone as she was traded her off as a maid to one of Uganda's wealthiest families, the Kirundas.

It was a shocking transition for Sanyu, a bright student who never thought she would end up in such a situation. Despite the adversity, Sanyu has shown remarkable strength and resilience. Her strong will is what keeps her going, and she is determined to make something of herself. 

Considering Sanyu's story, we have put together a list of factors that contributed to Nalweyiso pulling off this trade.

1. Money as a motivation

Nalweyiso will do anything where there is a monetary reward, no matter how little. When the Kirundas approached her, she knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get as much money from them as possible.

2. Finding a trustworthy accomplice

In Nalweyiso's case, she has her shady brother, Matia, as an accomplice. Their actions are always fuelled by point number one.

3. Acting like a victim

When Batte asked Nalweyiso if she had anything to do with Sanyu leaving, she acted like she knew nothing about that. She accused her husband of always siding with Sanyu.

Follow the story as it continues to unfold on Sanyu every weekday at 8:30 pm on Pearl Magic DStv channel 161 and GOtv Max channel 301.