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Best of 21: Family feuds

11 December 2021
Let's look at family feuds that had us glued to Pearl Magic Prime in 2021.
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For some, family is the glue that keeps everything together, and for others, family is a nightmare that never ends. Money, power, and greed are some of the factors that instigate family feuds.

The Samulas on Prestige

The Samulas’ feud is what makes us keep watching Prestige. We’re so used to seeing them at odds, we almost hate the moments when they get along.

If the distribution of wealth among the Samula children, Jasmine and Eunice, was fair, maybe they would have been excellent business partners instead of rivals.

Jasmine's betrayal by her family worsened when her sister stabbed her in the back and stole her man. As if that was not enough, Jasmine's stepmother, Harriet, confessed to being responsible for the loss of her unborn child.

As things stand, no one and nothing will ever bring this family together. If anything they make better enemies than family – and we're here for it all.

The Kirundas on Sanyu

There's a saying that “no one wins when the family feuds”. This has proven true ever since, Patrick, the firstborn son, married the power-hungry and devious Lucy.

They don't like her, and the feeling is mutual. If it were up to Lucy, the rest of the family would be staying elsewhere, with the mansion reserved for her and Patrick alone. Not that she has never tried chasing them out of their home – she just never succeeded. Unlike the powerful multi-billion family she's married into, she’s just a “village girl too ambitious for her own good”, as Linda once told her.

The Kirundas have enough for everyone, but Lucy is greedy. If she had just accepted her role in the family, none of this hate would be flying around.

Junior against his family on Sesiria

Sesiria is a testament that money reveals people's true colours.

When Victor's husband died, she and the rest of the family found comfort in knowing that he left behind assets and money amounting to millions of shillings.

Trouble started at the reading of the will when they learnt that Junior, who is a child of the marriage, would not be the rightful heir and that the firstborn son would be.

The family has been in shambles and going back and forth with almost everyone, disregarding the will and claiming what they think they deserve.

When Junior went missing, his sister Rose, believed he had orchestrated his own kidnapping. Yolamu and Luninze were accused of plotting to kill him too.

It will take a miracle for these families to go back to how things were before they were exposed to money and power. They have shown us to what extent humans can go to claim what they think they deserve, regardless of how it came about.

Continue enjoying Pearl Magic Prime stories this festive season and see how everything unfolds on DStv channel 148 and GOtv Supa channel 305.