Isibaya is set on the backdrop of the taxi industry, with two young lovers who are torn apart by a century-old feud between two powerful families. Isibaya is now in its sixth season.
Sibongile & The Dlaminis
18:30 | 17 SepChampions
19:00 | 17 SepMy Brother's Keeper
19:30 | 17 SepKings Of Maskandi
20:00 | 17 SepUmkhokha: The Curse
20:30 | 17 SepGqeberha: The Empire
21:00 | 17 SepThe Bala Family
17:30 | 18 SepJunior Khanye: Fixing The Game
18:00 | 18 SepSuxoka
18:00 | 18 SepSamukeleni
20:00 | 18 SepHow To Manifest A Man
21:30 | 18 SepQueen Modjadji
20:00 | 22 Sep