Learn new skills with DStv’s tip-based shows that go beyond your regular entertainment this holiday
Learn new skills with DStv’s tip-based shows that go beyond your regular entertainment this holiday.

For most of us, the end of the year means we've got more time off. Some choose to go on holiday, others might hang out with their families, and some of us use it as an opportunity to do a little DIY. From upgrading your decor to complete room makeovers, now’s the perfect time to put your skills to the test – especially if your project requires a few days to put it into action.
But we all need a little inspiration. Perhaps you saw a great way to repurpose an old chair, fell in love with a colour scheme that would fit your living room perfectly, or are on the lookout for ideas on how to decorate a new apartment. Whatever the reason, DStv has some great shows for every kind of DIY enthusiast to help get the creative juices flowing – regardless of your DIY skill level.
The handyman
Do you love getting your hands dirty? Are you always the person the family calls when the lights trip or something breaks? Get stuck into your next fix after watching George Clarke's Remarkable Renovations. In this series, they turn commercial, industrial, and agricultural buildings into domestic homes using smart and beautiful renovation techniques you have to see to believe. It might be time to give that old shed in the backyard some TLC, and you’re guaranteed to learn something useful from this show. Catch the next episode Saturdays at 21:00 CAT on BBC Lifestyle, DStv Channel 174.
The experimenter
Sometimes we look at old things and wonder how something would look with a new coat of paint. Well, the boys from Wheeler Dealers take it a step further. Already 17 seasons in, this multi-talented group of mechanics scout the UK for cars to restore and flip for a profit. Who knows, it might just inspire you to think outside the box and renovate something out of the ordinary too. Watch as they get stuck into their next project starts Tuesday, 26 October at 20:00 CAT on the Discovery Channel, DStv Channel 121.
The novice
But if you have no idea where to start, fear not, there’s something for you too. My Plek of Joune (translated to ‘My place or yours’) follows two housemates as they flip a coin to see who gets to renovate one of the rooms in the house they share. On a tight schedule – and with some help from the experts – they are able to create beautiful spaces on a budget. Find your inspiration by catching the series on Showmax.
The experienced renovator
You’ve been around the block and are no stranger to the ups and unexpected downs of renovating a space. But now you’re looking for a new challenge. If that sounds like you, Home to Win: For the Holidays is a riveting series that features the likes of Bryan Beaumler, Scott McGillivray, Sarah Richardson, Tommy Smyth, and Mike Holmes as they set out to completely revamp a home with the possibility of a viewer winning it. Watch as they put their extraordinary skill, creativity and reno know-how to the test Mondays at 15:00 CAT on The Home Channel, DStv Channel 176.
Learn new skills with DStv’s tip-based shows that go beyond your regular entertainment this holiday. Don’t forget to join the DStv family by downloading the My DStv app to easily manage your subscription.