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Day 31: Sammie hurt over Boma and Angel – BBNaija

24 August 2021
Sammie opens up about his heartache.
BBNaija Sammie hurt over angel

Angel and Boma’s newfound bed-sharing shenanigans are not going unnoticed. Sammie is feeling hurt about the entire situation, and said as much in a candid conversation with Big Brother this afternoon. 

If you recall, Sammie and Angel were the first ship to sail in the Shine Ya Eye House, and after a couple of breakups and makeups, it seems their relationship has come to a complete halt. Things have turned messier than anyone could have anticipated, Sammie specifically. 

“Boma is my friend and we would gist before. Now, he and Angel go behind my back. If he was in my shoes and I did that to him, how would he feel? People are different, but I would never do that to him. He knew there was an attraction between me and Angel,” Sammie said, insinuating Boma and Angel have become more than just friends. 

When Biggie asked Sammie if he was jealous, Sammie insisted he is “irritated” more than anything. “I overreacted last time and I’m trying to avoid being labeled as a jealous boy. She is entitled to her own choice and is entitled to do what she wants to do. I have chosen to mind my business and only vibe with her as friends. I majestically walked into the ship – and it crashed,” he told Big Brother.

Although Sammie has decided to remove himself and completely ignore everything Angel is doing to make him jealous (allegedly), Sammie is caught between a rock and a hard place and feels he can’t move on and catch cruise with anyone else, because the other ladies would feel like his ‘Plan B’.  “I’m kind of emotional. I’m learning about myself and trying to be on my own. We’re friends now, but I can’t do anything with anyone because everyone knows me as Angel’s person. She was crushing on Cross and me and I asked for clarity. She said she is attracted to me. I went in with my full chest and everything was moving smoothly, until it broke down.”

Like the bestie everyone deserves, Biggie was there with a listening ear and even put a neat bow on it with some sound advice. “The past is a different country. Try not to dwell on what you and her were. Instead, accept what you have become. Feel free to let the House know that there is nothing between the two of you.”

Sammie seemed relieved after his chat with Big Brother and promised he would talk to his fellow Housemates about the status of he and Angel’s relationship. Question is, will he speak to his friend Boma about how he is feeling? Or will he keep it all inside and watch how things play out? 

Later this afternoon, Angel and JMK had a chat about Boma, which ended with JMK advising Angel to shine her eyes with Boma, who was close to Queen until recently. Angel, in response, said she’s aware Boma is catching cruise and is okay with catching cruise too. Will this situation end in tears? Only time will tell.

CrossJMKMariaPereQueen, and Sammie  have been Nominated for Eviction this Sunday You can  VOTE  to Save your favourite Housemate via the Africa Magic website  HERE  and the  Africa Magic mobile site  by selecting contestants of your choice and entering your number of votes and click  VOTE. Voting via these platforms is limited to 100 votes per user. You can also download the  MyGOtv  and  MyDStv Apps for additional  Votes.  Votes are free and  Votes  are allocated based on your subscription packages. The voting window closes by 9pm on Thursday, August 26, 2021.