Pearl Magic Prime

Mom Vs Wife Uganda


It’s a cooking showdown – Mum vs Wife

05 April 2024
Pearl Magic Prime's newest culinary extravaganza, Mum vs Wife’s is a showdown where generations collide in the kitchen!
mum vs wife article cover

What's the secret recipe to a happy marriage? Some say it's mastering the delicate art of impressing your mother-in-law. 

For all you spirited young wives ready to take on the challenge of winning over your traditional mother-in-law with your culinary prowess, here are some friendly tips. After all, who wants to risk not having your hubby's mom on your side? Let's dive in!

  • Win her heart with her favourite Dish

They say the way to a person's heart is through their stomach, and with your cooking skills, you might just earn a spot in her heart akin to her own offspring!

  • Respect her recipes

Traditional mothers hold their recipes dear, so always ask for permission before attempting to recreate her signature dishes. A culinary misstep might land you in her not-so-good books!

  • Keep your cooking skills in check

To maintain harmony, never outshine your mother-in-law in the kitchen. Let her maintain her culinary queen status by gently finding a flaw or two in your dishes. After all, she's the "first woman" in her son's life!

  • Keep him looking healthy

In her eyes, "overweight" is a foreign concept. Ensure her son always looks well-fed and healthy to keep her worries at bay.

  • Respect her kitchen space

Even if it's not her kitchen, give your mother-in-law the freedom to work her magic when cooking for her son. Let her shine as the reigning chef to maintain peace and harmony.

With that said, some mothers are flexible and only want to see their sons eating descent food.

It's a clash of culinary titans you won't want to miss!

Tune in to the premiere of Mum vs Wife on Sunday 14 April at 8 pm on Pearl Magic Prime, available on DStv Stream channel 148 and GOtv Stream channel 303.