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The end – Champions

31 January 2025
Farewell Champions.
END Champions

After 260 episodes, we’re saying “farewell” to Champions. Mzansi’s beloved telenovela captured our hearts with its diverse storylines. We have fallen in love with each character and will miss them immensely.

From when it first aired, introducing us to the Modises – a soccer club-owning family full of secrets – we saw how money can be the root of evil. The Modises left us with a lesson that sometimes friends will have your best interests at heart, more than family. This became especially clear after Philemon fought his late brother’s daughter for the legacy they could have shared. 

Let’s not forget about the Buthelezis, Zipho and Didintle. The couple instantly became our favourites; even when Zipho’s heart chose someone else, they remained our faves. Did we learn anything from them? Yes! Didintle’s character taught us that sometimes it’s okay to choose yourself and not depend on a man in your life. We saw her character changing up until she took her own life because of the pain caused by divorce. In all this we not saying Zipho was a bad man: he was a good one, just not for her.

Then in came the Serites, ahh we love even their neighbors. 😂 Lebo Serite, one of the lead stars, was a relatable character. A young man who was granted a life-changing opportunity to be a soccer star, he allowed fame to get to his head, made bad decisions, and later paid dearly for them. We are thrilled that in the end, he conquered.

We cannot not mention our best couple, Zipho and Snesipho. They might have met under unfavourable circumstances, as they were both in a relationship with other people, but they wormed their way into our hearts, and we chose them. Their love was not easy, but it conquered in the last end.  They gave us sweet moments, and many sbwl moments.😍

We will miss you champions. Missed the epic finale? Watch highlights here

Keep an eye out for more details on Mzansi Magic’s social media channels: Facebook, XInstagram, and TikTok.