Mshini is furious with Ezra today and she's not keeping quiet about it. This is after Ezra carelessly blurted out that she gets "loose" when she drinks, and Mshini is fired up and venting to anyone who will listen.
Swiss stepped in to calm the storm, calling Ezra and Mshini for a sit-down. Ezra apologised to Mshini, and to his defence, he insisted that he never meant to suggest she’s sleeping around. Instead, he claimed he was only pointing out that she can’t handle her liquor because she drinks too much.
Mshini heard Ezra out, but she wasn’t interested in continuing the conversation. She told him she had nothing more to say for now, but made it clear she’s not okay with what he said. The tension is far from being resolved. It looks like there won't be a kumbaya moment between these two anytime soon.
Mshini, clearly unimpressed, went on and told Swiss that she wasn’t happy about being dragged into a chat with Ezra, saying she wasn’t ready to have that conversation just yet. Swiss, however, told her she didn’t have to accept Ezra’s apology right then and there, but at least she heard what he had to say.
The drama around Ezra and Mshini wasn’t dying down in the house. Beekay told Nate the guys in the house talk way too much and never think before they speak. He went on to say they always have something to say and don’t know when to shut up or just ignore things. Now, this is the messy result of it all.
Gugu was outraged by Ezra’s comment, questioning how he could say something like that, telling Siphesihle that what Ezra said was downright offensive. Siphesihle backed her up, agreeing that, regardless of his intentions, it was still completely inappropriate to say.
Things are still tense between Ezra and Mshini, with Mshini continuing to throw shade at Ezra even after his apology. She’s been taking jabs at his leadership, saying all he knows how to do is talk. Whether this tension will die down or escalate remains a mystery.
Big Brother Mzansi season 5 is broadcast live 24/7 on DStv channel 198, which you can stream here. Sunday eviction shows are at 18:00 on Mzansi Magic. To join the conversation on social media platforms, use the hashtag #BBMzansi and connect with us on Facebook, X, Instagram and TikTok!
Big Brother Mzansi season 5 is proudly sponsored by headline partner LottoStar and tactical partner Robertsons Spices.