
Nina beQhawe, Zimbiwe insele!

19 June 2019
Ingqophamlando yomdlalo kamabonakude ngomlando weLembe eleqa amanye amalembe, uShaka kaSenzangakhona isithathe igxathu elilandelayo ekukhiqizweni kwayo.
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I-Bomb Productions ibambisene neMzansi Magic yakwa MultiChoice Group bamemezela sekuzophela unyaka ofile ukuthi bazoqala izinhlelo zokuphinda futhi baxoxe ingxoxandaba yeSilo uShaka kaSenzangakhona.

Abathungathi bamakhono aseqalile ahambela izwe lonke athungatha izindawo eziwumqondosimo la lengqayizivele yedrama ingaqoshwa khona. Ithimba lendalamqondo seliqalile nomklamo wokukhiqiza kanti likuthakasela kakhulu ukuthi libuyise kabusha izikhathi nesimo somhlaba Isilo uShaka ayebusa futhi ephila kuso

“Ukuxoxa indaba enzima njengeyeLembe akuvele nje kwenzeke kalula nangokushesha. Sizibophezela ukwenza uchungechunge lomdlalo kamabonakude oluyingqophamlando ukuthi ababukeli baluthakasele sibe futhi sihlonipha umlando. Angeke sibuyise isimomqondo sikaShaka samankengane nabathumbi bezwe bangalesosikhathi, kodwa siyoxoxa indaba yase Afrika ekhuthazayo nejabulisayo mayelana neSilo esibalulekile sibuye sibe enye yezingqwele emlandweni wase Afrika. Sijabula kakhulu ukuthi sakhe ithuba lapho khona osomakhono kwezaseshashalazini base Afrika bezozibonakalisa bekhipha amangwevu abo kulendima” kusho uMnumzane Teboho Mahlatsi, ongumdidiyeli nesikhulu esiphezulu se Bomb Productions.

“Sizokhombisa futhi siveze imibuso yakaMthethwa, AmaNdwandwe, AmaHlubi kanye namaZulu, ukubalula imibuso embalwa. Phezu kwalesiphuku esiyingqayizivele, sizobona ukusimama nokudlondlobala kukaShaka”, kuqhuba umfo ka Mahlatsi.

Isigaba sokuqala sokuhlonza nokwabela abalingisi sesiseduze. Amaqembu ahlukene azohambela lonke izwe aye kohlola bukhoma amakhono labashaya indlamu,  izimbongi kanye namaqhawe enduku. “Sithungathatha ochwepheshe bosomakhono hhayi izimfundamakhwela,”Kuxwayisa uMahlatsi

“Ukuqala loluhambo kuyingqophamlando. Ngalesikhathi ucwaningo mayelana nalomdlalo nokucobelana ugwayi  nabathintekayo kuqhubeka, silindele ngabomvu ukuthi sivumbulule futhi sikhombise izindimbane zosomathalente esinabo eNingizimu Africa. Lomdlalo wase Ningizimu Afrika esiziqhenyawo ngawo sizimisele ukuwukhombisa umhlaba wonke,” kusho  uYolisa Phahle, Umphathi we General Entertainment, eMultiChoice Group.

Uhlelo lokuhlonza nokuhlukanisela abalingisi luhlelelwe ukuthi luqale ngawo lonyaka esiwuphethe. Amaqembu abhekelene nalokhu azobe ethungatha osomakhono kulolonke izwe. “Isipiliyoni sokusebenza kulemboni asidingekile. Sibhekelele ukuvundulula amakhono namathalente afihlekile okuyindlela esisebenza ngayo kwa Bomb,” kusho uProducer, Angus Gibson.

“Ukuthola umlingisi ongalingisa Isilo uShaka kuwumongo ekuthungatheni kwethu abalingisi. Sizosikhombisa isilo sixoxa indaba sikhombisa izizukulwane ngezizukulwane. Ngakhoke sizomkhombisa esengumntwana eneminyaka eyisikhombisa, eyishumi nambili, eneshumi nesishiyagalombili bese simkhombisa esekhulile eseyindoda” Kuchaza umdidiyeli, uAngus Gibson. “Sizophinde sithungathe abozalingisa  unina weLembe uNandi, uMkabayi, inkosi uDingiswayo, inkosi uZwide kanye banye abaningi ezigabeni ezihlukile zezimpilo zabo” kuqhuba uGibson.

Ngokuka Nkateko Mabaso, umphathi we M-Net eMultiChoice Group uthi, “lomboniso uzoba umsebenzi wamagugu ngombuso odumile waseAfrika. Thina kwa M-Net kulemninyaka engamashumi amathathu (30) eyedlule siyaziwa ngokukhombisa izindaba eziyingqayizivele zabantu bakithi, loku kungukuqhuba leyonqubomgoma nanokuthi siyazibophezela ukuqhubeka senzenjalo kulemboni.”

uJacob Ntshangase, oyilungu lababhali balomdlalo uthi, “Sisesikhathini lapho khona iNingizimu Afrika kudingeka ukuba ihlole kabusha umlando wayo. Izinto zakudala ezabekwa ngokuhlanekezelwa siyacubungulisiswa kuhlutshwa udlubu ehlamvini ukuze kuvele iqiniso. Ukuxoxa futhi sikhombise indaba kaShaka ngelesisikhathi kuwumthwalo odinga ukusingathwa ngobuchule nangobunono, kanti futhi kuwukuthweswa umqhele”


Location search begins for SHAKA – ILEMBE

Bomb Productions, together with MultiChoice Group’s Mzansi Magic, announced last year that they would be embarking on a grand re-telling of the story of King Shaka kaSenzangakhona.

Bomb is already at work. Scouts are scouring the country in search of iconic locations and the team has begun to recreate the world in which Shaka lived and reigned.

“We are excited about making an epic and exhilarating drama that is respectful of the real history. Research is key. Telling a story of such complexity does not just happen overnight,” says Teboho Mahlatsi, executive producer and co-creator at Bomb Productions.

“We will depict the great kingdoms of the AmaThethwa, the AmaNdwandwe, AmaQwabe, AmaHlubi and AmaZulu amongst others, and on this epic canvas, we will see the heroic rise of Shaka. We are telling an African story about a great African empire.”

“Starting this journey is history in the making and whilst research and consultation with stakeholders will continue, we are looking forward to unearthing and showcasing the deep pool of talent that lies within South Africa. This is a proudly South African series which we intend to take to the world,” Yolisa Phahle CEO for General Entertainment at MultiChoice Group said.

The first stage of the casting is nearing and teams will soon travel around the country auditioning abashaya indlamu (traditional dancers),  izimbongi and izinyosi (praise singers) and amaqhawe enduku (stick fighters). “We are looking for real deep skills, no pretenders,” cautions Mahlatsi.  

Casting for actors will get underway later in the year and again the search will be nationwide. “Previous film experience is not necessary. We are looking to unearth new talent who will perform alongside our great, experienced actors,” says Bomb producer, Angus Gibson. “The search for Shaka will be at the heart of the casting – we will be looking for him as a baby, at seven, twelve and eighteen years – as well as the man. Then there is Nandi, Mkabayi, Dingiswayo, Zwide, Ntombase and many other riveting characters whom we see at different stages of their lives.” 

According to Nkateko Mabaso, M-Net CEO, “At M-Net we’ve been telling local stories for over 30 years and this is a continuation of our commitmet to our industry. This is not a colonial telling, this story will be told from our perspective.”

“South Africa’s history is being re-examined. Old distortions are being questioned and new truths are emerging,” says Jacob Ntshangase, one of the writers. ”To tell the story of Shaka in this moment is a huge responsibility and a great honour.”