Playlist Videos
[Season Finale] Salem Snatcher – Salem
Brayo tries to find out who has Soila but finds himself in the web of the Salem snatcher and the 'King'.
Who sent you? – Salem
Soila overhears Joshua giving orders to have someone murdered, but now she has to see a darker side of him she did not expect.
'My name is Joshua Mufasa' – Salem
Mel and Joshua are fighting again as Detective Tash tries to get Anto to tell the truth. Kenny Lion, is gone?
That man is a monster – Salem
Ari finds out about Joshua's dirty dealings and tells the police about it, but will they believe her?
No longer missing – Salem
Tito works with the police to find Ari, but now he has to pay the price and leave Salem, or his parents will pay for it.
You know those criminals? – Salem
The boys tell Baz who they work for, and Ari puts two and two together.
Thank you, Joshua – Salem
Ruby is kidnapped as Joshua and Mel try to make amends. But will the truth about Joshua finally come out?
No honeymoon? – Salem
As Zahra and Josh try to settle after the wedding, Audrey becomes a thorn in their flesh. Meanwhile, Mel is upset over Joshua's help.
The man you deserve – Salem
Mel shows up at the wedding, but not to stop it, but to apologise and try to win over Judith.
Nampenda Zahra – Salem
Josh stands up to his family and insists he will marry Zahra even without their blessing. Meanwhile, Judith threatens to leave Mel if he still has feelings for Ari's mother.
Tough times – Salem
Josh is planning his wedding with Zahra, but the hurdles in their way can't seem to give them peace as Tito tries to make amends with Judith.
Felt that kiss – Salem
Zahra is torn between marrying Josh or considering his connection to Mel, but perhaps it is time the Salem High principal reads Josh for who he is.
Unataka waniue? – Salem
Ken has had it with his mother's act of choosing alcohol over her children. Meanwhile, Josh tries to keep the Salem gang in check.
Call the police – Salem
Oduori has had it with Lulu's drinking escapades as she accuses Judith of kidnapping her children.
I got you – Salem
Lulu wont let Rubi have an easy time, but good things is that Ken is becoming the best big brother she never thought she could have.
Wrong number – Salem
Lulu is having a hard time dealing with Rubi, and finds solace in the bottle. MEanwhile, what is Zahra's plan concerning Sama nd Josh?
Options – Salem
Ari and Zahra are having a hard time staying in peace, and meanwhile, Lulu seems to have hit rock bottom and found solace in a bottle.
Killing Mel – Salem
Josh plans to have Mel wiped off the face of the earth. Will he succeed?
Hii si ngori yako – Salem
Malkia is having a hard time on Salem streets and Baz must come to her rescue. Meanwhile, Josh's jealousy is hitting hard.
Doctor gets shot – Salem
Dr Munene gets shot and Sam seems to know something. Does Josh have anything to do with the crime?
Niambie hunipendi – Salem
Tito and Sam's love is on the rocks after the shooting incident leaves her in a wheelchair, will Tito leave her be?
Wheelchair-bound – Salem
Sam comes home but things are not what they used to be. Will her romance with Tito continue, or will Ari be her replacement?
End of Kifaru? – Salem
Lulu, in a bid to save Tito, fires her gun and shoots Kifaru. Meanwhile, Sam is in the hospital as Ari drowns in regret.
Kifaru – Salem
As Zahra tries to outwit Kifaru, he comes up with a plan to kidnap Tito, but who is playing who?
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