
Top ten Swahili films to watch – Maisha Magic Movies

21 July 2022
The Swahili movie industry is growing at a rapid rate. Here are ten Swahili movies you should watch this year.
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  1. Mshangao

Mshanago is a comedy that follows the story of a young man who falls pregnant and must carry the baby to term.

Actors: Kitota Rashidi, Restuta Fundi

Director: Kindo Kindole

  1. Mtoto wa haramu

This film follows parents that have cut their children from their lives after the mother starts fearing the children will steal their money and the father fears they will ruin their marriage.

Actors: Samson Kiduko, Zuwena Mpoyoka

Director: Mtwara

  1. Mwantumu

This film follows the story of a young lady called Mwantumu, who is a talented footballer. She leaves her home after being forced to marry a man she doesn’t love, to pursue her dream of playing football professionally instead.

Actors: Chombo Mamkimu, Marida Mwamba

Director: Kiraka

  1. Mzimu wa Kacheba

This film follows the war between two spiritual beings in the afterlife.

Actors: Asma Said, Zuberi Athuman

Director: Shayo Kange

  1. Ndo ukome

This film is about a young couple, Steven and Nancy, who are in deeply in love.  Nancy falls pregnant and Steven’s parents are angry and force Nancy to hide the pregnancy from Steven.

Actors: Fabiani Bwakila, Steven John

Director: Fabiani Bwakila

  1. Ndoa Jela Part 1 and Part 2

This film follows the arranged marriage between Mpoyoko and Kahinde, which soon turns sour after they start living together.

Actors: Iddy Bigilwa, Salum Mpoyoka

Director: Mtawala

  1. Kiroboto

This film follows the story of a young lady Irene, who is stuck in an abusive relationship, and her father, Mzee Kiroboto, who comes to rescue her.

Actors: Majaliwa Alifaki, Irene Pemba

Director: Mrisho Haruna

  1. Lifti

The film follows the story of Makuzi, a young man struggling with unemployment, doing all he can to find a job.

Actors: Maya Mussa, Ramadhani Kilasi

Director: Gaiva

  1. Maumivu

This film follows the aftermath of Rammy’s life after he is falsely accused of having an affair with someone’s wife.

Actors: Hamad Jumanne, Mrisho Haruna

Director: Gebo wa Mtaa

  1. Monica

The film follows the struggles young parents face after having children when they are young.

Actors: Elina Andrew, Khadija Rajuc

Director: Mrisho Haruna

How many of these films have you watched?

Swahili Movies

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1-5 movies27%
5-10 movies7%