the leftovers poster
the leftovers poster

More than three years ago, 2% of the world’s population inexplicably vanished. 140 million people, gone in an instant. No country, no state, no city was spared, except for one small town in eastern Texas. Population: 9261. Departures: Zero. This is the setting for a tale of two families: the Garveys, who have moved to this special place, and whose lives were forever changed by the Departure, and the Murphys, a local family, who seem to have been spared from an event that shook the rest of the world. 


Kevin Garvey
Kevin Garvey
Laurie Garvey
Laurie Garvey
Matt Jamison
Matt Jamison
Meg Abbott
Meg Abbott
Jill Garvey
Jill Garvey
Tom Garvey
Tom Garvey
Nora Durst
Nora Durst

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