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Hanging out with Mike

18 November 2019
Mike has a few things to say about last night's episode of Finding The One.
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We had moments of laughter, shock, and excitement in last night's episode, Mike takes us through some of those moments

-You and your friends go way back, how do you maintain your friendships for so long?

  • Our friendships are maintained through honesty and communication.

-Have you been on a blind date before?

  • No I've never been on a blind date

-On scale of 1-10 how do you rate your friend’s matchmaking skills?

  • I'll give them a solid 8

-Do you feel Sebolelo’s home gave you an accurate idea of who she is?

  • No I don't think it was very accurate, maybe it was 50% accurate.

-Which of the three houses did you find to be most interesting?

  • If by interesting we mean exciting then Sebos.

-When the show ends, the update is that you and Sebolelo are officially a couple, is this still the case?

  • We were getting to know each other and "SEEING EACH OTHER”. We have also decided that we won't be pursuing a relationship.

-What would your advice be for someone who's interested in coming to ‘Finding The One’

  • They should be prepared for any outcome.

-What is your take on online dating?

  • I don't think it's my thing but I don't judge people who do it. They should also make sure their match makers are the right people.


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Catch Finding The One on Sundays at 18:00 on M-Net 101.