Carte Blanche

COVID-19 Brought the Future into the Present: Carte Blanche Sunday

29 April 2020
Masa Kekana: “While we know that traces of COVID-19 can be found in human stool, we don’t know whether the virus can be transmitted through stool. This presents an opportunity to be able to use our wastewater plants to see which areas are showing high traces of COVID-19. This would be fantastic in guiding the health ministry to know where to focus testing.”

C O V I D - 1 9  > T H E  I M P A C T  

COVID-19 in Wastewater – Early Warning of Infection?
With the virus that causes COVID-19 found in the stool of some patients treated for the disease, scientists are investigating whether wastewater in sewage systems is a sure signal that the disease has spread. Carte Blanche investigates whether the presence of COVID-19 in our wastewater systems could serve as an early warning system of imminent outbreak and asks whether South Africa’s rundown municipal sewage systems pose a risk of infection to nearby residents.
Producer: Graham Coetzer | Presenter: Masa Kekana

How COVID-19 brought the Future right into Now
Just a few years ago, futurists and trend analysts were predicting what the world would look like in five to ten years’ time. They imagined a more decentralised world underpinned by technology in which working from home instead of the office would be the new normal, music concerts would happen on social media platforms and visiting virtual art galleries and consulting with doctors online would become standard. Now COVID-19 has turned the world upside down and accelerated that future right into the present.                                                                                                                 
Producer: Julian Sun | Presenter: Claire Mawisa

Field Hospital Beds

With over 5000 recorded infections – of which almost 4000 were confirmed over a four-week period – South Africa is gearing up for an increase in COVID-19 patients as the country begins to ease its lockdown regulations. In preparation, hotels and convention centres are being converted into makeshift healthcare centres and field hospitals are being created in every province. Now some local innovators have come up with an ingenious design that makes affordable, quick-to-assemble and easily sanitised beds available to government. 
Producer: Mosibudi Ratlebjane | Presenter: Claire Mawisa


R E A L I T Y   C H E C K  

What will it take to Reset the Doomsday Clock?
Will I stay at home and social distance? Will I burn fossil fuel? Scientists say that with manmade disasters piling up, mankind’s hurtling down the path of self-destruction. They believe humanity is closer than ever before to doomsday and has set the metaphorical Doomsday Clock to only 100 seconds to midnight – an indication that the threat level is critical.  However, they also say that every right choice from individuals to global leaders can make a difference to the fate of the world.  The metaphorical clock is set and maintained by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists in the United States. Their Doomsday Clock was devised in 1947 as a tool to warn and encourage wiser choices. Carte Blanche asks if there’s still time to change?
Producer: Eugene Botha | Presenter: Derek Watts


A Modern tale of David vs. Goliath
Imagine there was over R250,000 due to you in royalties and you didn’t know. That was the case for popular musician David Scott – better known as The Kiffness – after he discovered just how much he was owed in music royalties. Now he’s a man on a mission, taking on an industry that’s become notorious for underpaying artists and performers and he’s inspiring other musicians to fight back.
Producer: Sasha Schwendenwein | Presenter: Derek Watts


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