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Winners! - Single Wives SA

22 January 2021
Congratulations to the winners!
single wives sa season 1 episode 4 gallery (4)

Congratulations to the winners of the Single Wives SA competition. During the show, fans stood in line to win signed copies of Justin Cohen’s book Winning with Relationships. The prize also included a personal coaching session with Justin Cohen or Mapaseka Mokwele for four fans.

Here are the winners of Justin Cohen’s book Winning with Relationships:

Neli Nxumalo 
Angel Mashininis  
Liandra Gopaul  
Sylvie Mohlala  
Thiasha Naidoo 
Gillian Malouw
Elaine Nieman

Here are the winners of Justin Cohen’s book Winning with Relationships, as well as a personal coaching session with either Justin or Mapaseka:

Karessa Reddy 
Amanda Bayana 
Karen Lynn Nagel 
Sherin Setar 

More winners to be announced soon.