Carte Blanche

Why Save the Honeybee?

11 July 2021
Bees are crucial to ensuring global food security. Despite their important role, researchers are continuing to see #bee numbers dwindling. Hereโ€™s how you can help. #CarteBlanche #SaveTheBees
Save the Honey Bee

Globally, there are more honeybees than any other type of bee or pollinating insect. It therefore comes as no surprise that the humble honeybee is vital to the agricultural sector, ensuring we get to enjoy the various fruits and vegetables that come from pollination. In fact, itโ€™s estimated that about a third of all food we consume lands up in our pantry thanks to bee pollination.

Sadly, over the last few years, researchers have found time and again that the global honeybee population is dwindling. In some areas in the US, honeybee populations have dropped by an alarming 40%, while areas in the Western Cape estimate a loss of 1 million bees in 2018 due to pesticides and herbicides. The figures are worrying. But experts believe we can turn things around if we just make a few small changes in our daily lives. From changing the way we garden to ensuring thereโ€™s always a source of fresh water somewhere in our yard โ€“ small steps can have a huge impact on the future of bees.

Sources: SANBIO | Southerns Beekeeping Association