Carte Blanche

Q & A with Claire Mawisa

30 April 2016
Get to know the woman behind Carte Blanche's newest presenter to be added to the team: Claire Mawisa.
Q & A with Claire Mawisa Image : 2322

Do you have a middle name? And a nickname you’re willing to share?  

My middle name is Bulelwa. Unfortunately I've never had a nickname. Any suggestions?

Your favourite getaway or wind-down activity…  

My favourite wind-down activity would be anything that involves being surrounded by nature; at the beach, under a tree, on a mountain trail, etc. My favourite local getaway is anywhere in the Eastern Cape.

If you could choose a job that is far removed from TV and presenting, what would it be?

Working for National Geographic was a childhood dream. I can't think of better ways to spend one's life other than travelling the planet, and studying the earth we live on. It must be one of the most enriching jobs to work in the field for National Geographic.

What can’t you live without?

My friends and family. They are there when I have milestones to celebrate, heartbreak to heal, and are my trusted sounding boards. We all need someone on our side.

Do you have any hidden talents – or a party trick?

No hidden talents, or a party trick. Does this make me a boring dinner guest? Surely not!

Top holiday destination…

So far, Beijing is one of my favourite places in the world. It's where the old world meets the future. The culture, food, customs and traditions drew me in. The shopping wasn't too shabby either! My perfect holiday is being able to have the best of both worlds; the bustling concrete jungle, and calm, serene sanctuaries.

Your favourite food that you’ve mastered in the kitchen…

As a Xhosa woman I can proudly say that I have mastered umgqusho. It’s always the ultimate test of your cooking skills if you know how to make great samp and beans.