Survivor SA

Survivor South Africa

101RealityPG13 L

Masu trump cards (ladies)– Survivor SA

26 June 2022
Would you gamble on these statistics?
Survivor SA

by Jan-Hendrik Botha

Here are the Survivor SA statistics for the five female castaways who will form the Masu tribe in Survivor SA: Return of the Outcasts. Based on these stats, do you think they will be a benefit to their tribe?


  • Previous season: Survivor SA: Champions S5
  • Survivor nickname: Survivor Encyclopedia
  • Total days in the game: 19 days
  • Total team challenges won: Eight
  • Total individual challenges won: None
  • Total tribal councils attended: Six
  • Total votes received: Ten
  • Total idols found: None
  1. What are you bringing to season 9?
    Smarter moves! This is way more important than big, flashy moves.
  2. Why are you back?
    The ninth season is incredibly personal for me, the past few years have, without a doubt, been the hardest and darkest period of my life: being diagnosed with a rare skin condition called vitiligo, fighting a decade-long battle with endometriosis, being diagnosed with anxiety and beating two bouts of depression so if anything this season I’d love to prove to myself that I am a survivor – that nothing I’ve been through in life should define me or hold me back. I want to prove to every part of myself that’s ever been hurt that I can and will survive.


  • Survivor nickname: Tarzan’s (aka Danté’s) Jane
  • Previous season: Survivor SA: Island of Secrets S7 
  • Total days in the game: 22 days
  • Total team challenges won: Eight
  • Total individual challenges won: None
  • Total tribal councils attended: Three
  • Total votes received: Nine
  • Total idols found: One
  1. What are you bringing to season 9:
    In my season, I realised that my intuition and I have more power than I realise. I am coming in with my superior knowledge of the game and the absolute will to win.
  2. Why are you back?
    I’m a mom of three exceptional, yet busy humans; a mom who completely threw herself into the caring of her family – so much so that I had lost parts of myself during early parenthood. I served in church and served my pilates clients to live better lives. Everything in my life was about helping others. 

    I have always been a massive fan of the show and watched most of the American seasons, but entering the seventh season was an opportunity to discover myself again –  away from the things that I found my identity in. I knew I was strong in body and mind but had many doubts about my own abilities.

    When I walked away from my season, the experience had unearthed a deep power within and when the show ended, I felt that I finally had what it takes to win the game. I left having this feeling that I would play again and that I would win. I don't feel like I am redeeming anything, but that I am re-writing my Survivor experience, and will this time play the game I have always wanted to – knowing my strengths, embracing my weakness and ultimately, being the sole survivor.


  • Survivor nickname: Queen
  • Previous season: Survivor South Africa: Philippines S6
  • Total days in the game: 29 days
  • Total team challenges won: Nine
  • Total individual challenges won: One
  • Total tribal councils attended: 12
  • Total votes received: Eight
  • Total idols found: Two
  1. What are you bringing to season 9:
    I will still be a fierce competitor disguised with a friendly face. 
  2. Why are you back?
    I want to play a better social game this season. In my previous season, I was a threat from the get-go because I didn't adjust quickly enough to the social game. Therefore, my strategic game-play and competitiveness pulled me through. This time around I will still be the strategic mind hidden under a social game. I want the castaways to think of me as a friend so they can drop their guard around me. 


  • Survivor nickname: Lara Croft
  • Previous season: Survivor South Africa: Island of Secrets 
  • Total days in the game: 37 days
  • Total team challenges won: Eight
  • Total individual challenges won: One
  • Total tribal councils attended: Ten
  • Total votes received: Seven
  • Total idols found: None
  1. What are you bringing to season 9:
    I have studied personality traits and will use that to my advantage. My intrapersonal skills have improved and I’ve grown in terms of vulnerability and self-confidence.
  2. Why are you back?
    I have been dubbed as a player who did not open up to the viewers and players. I plan to be as authentic as possible, allowing everyone to experience the good and bad parts of me. I am an emotional person and tend to be very critical of others. I will, however, play a socially strategic game, with “the challenge beast” persona on the back burner. 


  • Survivor nickname: Toni Temper
  • Previous season: Survivor South Africa: Philippines S6
  • Total days in the game: 30 days
  • Total team challenges won: Eight
  • Total individual challenges won: Five
  • Total tribal councils attended: Nine
  • Total votes received: Five
  • Total idols found: None
  1. What are you bringing to season 9:
    A positive, ‘never say die’ attitude, a better sense of self-awareness, and less emotion.
  2. Why are you back?
    I want to show that I can make logical decisions – not only based on emotions. I also want to show everyone that I am not negatively affected by emotions. I will never deny my emotions though, as I believe we are all entitled to our emotions and we should show them.

    I want to prove to people that I am a positive woman who will always cheer people on and who loves a good laugh, enjoys life to the fullest and can pick myself up after a fall.

    This is especially important to me as, since my last season, I have been through a lot – more importantly, a divorce. But I am stronger than ever, I have risen through failure.

    It’s also important for me to be seen as a positive person. I want to be a role model for women my age who, in their early fourties, feel like they are 20 and still want to embrace every challenge and adventure life throws at them. But I also want to be a positive role model for my students. I teach students from less privileged backgrounds, and I want them to look up to me and be proud of me. 

Images: Charlie Sperring and Peter Russell

Survivor SA: Return of the Outcasts premieres on M-Net on Monday 18 July, with four episodes per week, Mondays to Thursdays. Join the conversation on the Survivor Facebook Page or on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #SurvivorSA.