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No Longer Teens


Celebrating the fearless mums of Akwaaba Magic

10 May 2023
Let's give a big shoutout to these amazing mums who effortlessly step into their supermom capes. They may not be flawless, but we adore them to bits.
Akwaaba Magic, drama, drama on Akwaaba Magic

First up is Lankai Morgan, the epitome of an overprotective mother who could easily snatch away your best friend. Yet, behind her cunning schemes and deceitful nature, lies a fierce and fearless lady who transforms when she returns home to her two children. Her warmth and overwhelming protectiveness shine through as she goes to great lengths to ensure Noah and Sarah's well-being. Lankai even offers them stable jobs at her NGO, keeping them busy and securing a steady income.

Watch her on Madam showing every weeknight at 8:00pm on Akwaaba Magic.

Next, we have Odarley Osei, a mother who effortlessly blends humour and wit. She can scold you for not making your bed on one hand, while extending a chocolate stick with the other. Any mother who supports her children's non-existent acting and singing careers without stifling their individuality deserves recognition on this list.

You can find her on the Oseis showing every Tuesday at 8:30pm on Akwaaba Magic.

Mama Tanko, known for her strictness with tenants of Tanko Villa, undergoes a delightful transformation when it comes to motherhood. While she may loudly demand rent payment and enforce odd compound rules, she exudes tenderness and kindness when scolding her Baby Tanko for misbehaviour or treating her to a delightful meal. Witnessing this switch is always a joyous spectacle that showcases Mama T's warm maternal instincts.

And let's not forget the mighty Rama Robertson, burdened with the responsibility of caring for her nonchalant and scandalous husband, as well as building the magnificent Robertson mansion and tirelessly managing the family business. Rama's unwavering support for Michael, David, and MaryAnn was a constant pillar of strength on Dede.

These fearless mums of Akwaaba Magic embody the essence of motherhood. Imperfect yet unwavering in their love and dedication, they remind us that being a mom is a journey filled with both challenges and beautiful moments. So, here's to all the amazing mums out there who wear their supermom capes with pride, shaping lives and spreading love every day.