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Moments that made us LOL in 2021 – #BestOf21

30 December 2021
2021 was quite a demanding year, but in the midst of it all, we still got to laugh our butts off thanks to some of our favourite shows.
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2021 was quite a demanding year, but in the midst of it all, we still got to laugh our butts off thanks to some of our favourite shows

They say laughter is the best medicine and this year, we had our full dose with TV shows like The Johnsons, Comedy Nites, Judging Matters and My Flatmates. All year long, we had rib-cracking moments that had us laughing our hearts out.

We rounded up a few of those moments here. Check them out!

The Johnsons

Mr. Deputy sues the wrong one

It got really awkward (and super amusing) when Mr. Deputy sued the one person who had gone to such great lengths to plan him a surprise birthday party. You should have seen his face when it was revealed to him 😲. We had quite a laugh😂.

Oga Pablo brags different

After collecting a loan, guess who decided to blow it all trying to prove a point? Yes, it’s Oga Pablo. You know what? We really can’t blame him. After the tongue lashing he got from Mama K, it was only right he put her in her place. Too bad he had to do it with a loan. The tears will flow when it’s time to pay it back and he realises what he spent a bulk of it on.

False medical report

Okay, we’ve all played tricks on our parents, but what Efe did was the peak of it. Is it possible to falsify your mother's medical report just to keep her from screaming? We most certainly admire that grand level of mischief, but honestly, that could never be us. We’d be homeless if we tried that with our mums. 😂 Think we are exaggerating? Watch it for yourself.

Comedy Nites

You can always count on Ik to bring a smile to our faces on Comedy Nites, and whenever he invites guest comedians, you know you will be chuckling the entire time. This episode was one of those that made our year a memorable one!

Judging Matters

We get quite serious cases on Judging Matters but on some days, the cases are really quite ludicrous. Take this case for instance, in which the defendant stole his friend's money and kept complaining that he was disturbing him. Errr, the nerve of this guy!

Girlfriend drama

“On the 25th of after this lockdown”

With an opening like that, we already knew to expect fits of laughter – and honestly, this case did not disappoint. The young man dragged his girlfriend to court so that she would pay up for the damages done to his car. Obviously believing her girlfriend privileges also doubled as insurance cover, she insisted on not paying. The jokes write themselves 😂

My Flatmates

We had so many funny moments on My Flatmates in 2021 and it was quite difficult to pick faves, but we settled for a few.

Willie suffers a heartbreak

Watching Willie break down in tears didn’t have the desired response a man in misery should get. Instead, we were laughing our butts off. You think we are insensitive? Watch it for yourself and see if you don't laugh.

Where’s your website?

Just like we got our laughs, Mimi and Willie got theirs too after the website Donatus bragged about couldn’t be found anywhere on the World Wide Web.

Room battle

It is impossible to have flatmates without ever having a fight over a room. Watching two girlfriends fight each other over the right to the room was as amusing as we thought it would be. Have a look.

Judging from the year we all had, we sure did need all these funny moments. We are glad we got them and we loved every moment we spent laughing at these scenes.

Here's to more funny moments on Africa Magic in 2022! 🥂 Make sure to tune in.