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Memorable characters we said goodbye to – #BestOf2022

09 December 2022
To the ones we said goodbye to, you will always be remembered.
Best of 22 Faves

The year 2022 brought a variety of characters to Africa Magic shows, each with their own unique characteristics. They made us laugh, made us smile, and even made us mad (mostly mad to be honest), but they kept us coming back for more. They made magic on our screens, but sadly, during the course of the year, we had to say goodbye to these faves.

Ladies and gentlemen, here are some of the memorable 2022 Africa Magic characters that we are chucking the deuces up to. ✌🏿

Tawa Waziri – Dilemma

Tawa, the matriarch of the Waziri household, was as mean as they come. She was so mean that she carried her vendetta into old age, leaving us furious. The road to her demise was paved with her desire to hurt Kaineto and take her pound of flesh. In the end, she redeemed herself when she gave her life for her granddaughter and asked for forgiveness with her dying breath. Tawa might have been a handful, but she had us eating out of the palm of her hand on every episode. Essentially, she was like the sweetest taboo. Tawa Waziri, you will be missed!

Tatianna Braimah – Dilemma

Just like Tawa, Lady Tatiana Buraimoh was mean and had her own unique variant of evil – and her daughters can testify to this. Sadly, she wasn’t able to redeem herself before her demise. Although she begged her daughter at the point of death, it was difficult to believe she was sincere. This was not the first time she had manipulated and gaslighted them. Despite her flaws as a terrible mother and vindictive woman, she brought a touch of finesse and elegance to the screen. She was a fierce entrepreneur and a classy lady. We learned a lot from her about business and survival in a world run by the powerful and ruthless.

Samad/Zayn Waziri – Dilemma

One would think after cheating death, Samad would grow a pair. Despite his show of strength, he failed to come through when it mattered most and the facade of strength soon gave way and we saw a sniffling weakling scared to take a stand against the true embodiment of terror. Fortunately for him, he redeemed himself as he helped free the Waziri kids after they were abducted by Dembele. In doing so, he lost his life. He will be a fave for that remarkable show of bravery.

Timi – Venge

There was no doubt Timi had his flaws, but he didn’t deserve to go the way he did; murdered by his own best friend. Even though Bibi blamed him for all her woes, he stood right between her and the gun Kamara had pointed at her. In the heat of the moment, Kamara pulled the trigger and it was Timi that got shot. He won't be remembered as a money launderer or stooge for a power-drunk villain, but as a passionate man who lost his unborn child and the only woman he ever really loved. He will also be remembered as a true friend who tried to do right by them, or at least tried to make amends for his questionable past behaviour.

Estelle and Angela – Venge

Neither lady deserved the hand fate dealt them. They were both victims of personal vendettas because they were affiliated with rival gangs. Estelle was the daughter of Lawal, head of a rival gang, and the love interest of Williams the head hitman, while Angela was the daughter of Mama K, head of the opposing gang. Both ladies were murdered in the height of the war between the gangs. They were both darlings. Angela had only just made up with her mum and was expecting her baby, while Estelle had just won the battle against drug addiction – and had finally found comfort in the arms of Yemi.

Emuakpor Johnson – The Johnsons

A pillar of the Johnson household, Emu, as she was affectionately called, met her untimely demise on the show. As well as saying goodbye to this stellar character, we also said goodbye to Ada Ameh, who played her. This is one talented thespian we were hurt to say goodbye to. She will forever be in our hearts.

There you have it! Our faves that we had to say goodbye to in 2022. Who are you going to miss the most? Take the poll here.

Memorable characters we said goodbye to

Which memorable character are you going to miss the most?

Tawa Waziri – Dilemma 13%
Tatianna Braimah – Dilemma 16%
Samad/Zayn Waziri – Dilemma 1%
Timi – Venge 0%
Estelle and Angela – Venge 1%
Emuakpor Johnson – The Johnsons 69%