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Season 8 strip

Day 40 – 1 Sept: Housemates are upset at Angel and Ilebaye's recent antics – BBNaija

01 September 2023
The Gen Z girlies are taking steps that seem to be irking their fellow housemates. 
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Are the Gen Z baddies doing too much? It appears that the actions of Angel and Ilebaye are causing frustration among their housemates. The Gen Z duo's behaviour might be pushing the boundaries and testing the patience of their fellow housemates. Ceec, Ike, Kim Oprah, Neoenergy, and Whitemoney seem to think so. Following the altercation between Ilebaye and Whitemoney in the early hours of the day, the above-mentioned housemates had gossip sessions where they spoke about Angel and Ilebaye getting out of line in the way they relate to other housemates.

The Ceec, Kim Oprah, and Ike conversation

After their morning yoga session, Ceec, Ike, and Kim Oprah had a chat about Angel's attitude towards housemates. Ceec spoke about the time they had a fight and how the fight sealed her decision not to entertain Angel anymore. "She has a bad mouth sha," Ike said as he contributed to Ceec and Kim Oprah's conversation. They also spoke about Ilebaye and how her attitude was beginning to become upsetting. Ceec mentioned that she had noticed Ilebaye's attitude had changed since she won the Supakomando task and that it seemed like winning had made her more arrogant. 

The Neoenergy, Soma, and Whitemoney conversation  

Conversations around the Gen Z housemates in Biggie's house continued this afternoon with Neoenergy, Soma, and Whitemoney, who all spoke about Angel and Ilebaye's attitude. Though Soma was more of a spectator who tried to bring calm, Neoenergy and Whitemoney were on fire as they both agreed that Ilebaye was being manipulative and Angel was being rude in her approach to speaking about Whitemoney's composition. Whitemoney also recounted the events of his fight with Ilebaye in the early hours of the day and how Angel was one of those who fueled Ilebaye's rebellious attitude. 

Are the Gen Z girls doing too much, or are the other housemates still confused about the perception of equality in Biggie's house? 

The heated discussion among the housemates highlighted a larger issue of generational differences and conflicting views on equality. It seems that the Gen Z girls are pushing boundaries and challenging norms, while other housemates may still be struggling to adapt to this new perspective.