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Millicent and JKI's partnership - Covenant

29 December 2022
This is like FWB except they are engaged and the benefits are political in nature.
Milicent and JK Covenant

With Millicent eying a senatorial position, she is putting everything in place to make sure she has this in the bag. Building alliances with the various power blocs was her first step towards making this happen. It was one of those alliances that led to her engagement to Junior Kane Ijimakinde (JKI). It was clear to both of them from the start exactly what their marriage would entail, and what they hoped to gain. They also knew that it was just a partnership devoid of emotions and feelings. Considering both of them agreed to the terms and agreement, one might assume everything would go smoothly, but as always, there are always complexities involved when it comes to such matters.

The baggage

To begin with, both parties are in love with other people. For JKI, it is Talia, the lady he fell in love with when he fled from home. So head over heels is he in love with her that he left his engagement party halfway just to be with her. To further complicate matters, he has been defaulting on the partnership agreement by being absent at Millicent’s political functions that require his presence.

Watch him explain why he was absent

In Millicent’s case, she is in love with a Doctor from Orita Meta whose status as pointed out by her mum, was way far below her family. Despite their budding relationship, she gave in to her mum's instructions to end the relationship and focus on her political ambition. Unfortunately, the flames of romance can't be easily put out.  Try as she may, she can't completely get Panshak off her mind, but she is putting up a good fight. Unlike JKI who seems distracted, she seems able to keep to the terms of their partnership. This may or may not be connected with the fact that she is also beginning to have a soft spot for JKI and if what she has for him blossoms, the already complicated nature of their partnership might get even worse.

They aren’t alone!

Millicent and JKI aren't the only ones with this partnership. Purity and Folarin have gotten into one of their own too. This happened after her affair with her brother-in-law, Adekunle leaked, and to do damage control, she gave in to Folarin who had been trying to make her fall in love with him. The only issue is she isn't in love with him. This is just a cover for her while she fights back her urge to be with Adekunle.

No doubt, things are going to get quite messy and we will be here to witness it. You should too. Covenant airs on DStv Africa Magic Showcase CH.151 every weekday at 20:30 WAT