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Blockbuster Festival: After The I Do's

17 September 2015
This September don't miss After The I Do's, a psychological drama which mirrors marital dynamics through the eyes of three friends.
Blockbuster Festival: After The I Do's

After The I Do's is a psychological drama which mirrors marital dynamics through the eyes of three friends; Peace, Bella and Lulu.

Each, unhappy in their marriages.

Peace is mentally abused by Chike, her husband, and has lost her sense of self-esteem to this marriage, lives in denial and hopes for things to get better.

Bella is emotionally battered by Tonye, her boy-about-town husband who finds it convenient living at the expense of his wife’s purse.

Lulu, is living with HIV, the disease she contracted from her unrepentant, philandering husband, Osaro.

In the company of one another, the three friends have learnt to share humor and charitable works to help numb their daily disappointments.

Bella comes up with a suggestion to end their marriage miseries. It heals Bella’s marriage; it restores considerable sanity into Lulu’s marriage but sends Peace missing and sets off a police investigation which leaves her friends fearful for her life and safety.


Don't miss After The I Do's on the 26th of September at 22:05CAT on Africa Magic Showcase.

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